Research Project (2023-2026) SAFE “Digital Twins for SAnitation in Food industry procEsses”. PID2022-136817OB-I00 (MCIU/AEI/FEDER, UE)   

IP: Míriam R. García, Xosé Antón Vázquez Álvarez

EFSA contract (2022-2024) WASHTOP Water Associated Safety Hazards in the Treatment of Produce. (CSIC-Spain, UGent-Belgium and WUR-Netherlands).  CONTRACT NUMBER – OC/EFSA/BIOCONTAM/2021/02

IP CSIC: Míriam R. García

Partners: CEBAS-CSIC (Coordinator), IATA-CSIC (Spain), IIM-CSIC (Spain), UGent (Belgium), IRTA (Spain), WUR (Holland)

Washing fruits

Research Project (2021-2024) ChemBAC: Multiscale mechanistic dynamic modelling of the CHEmical and biochemical effect on the growth and death of BACteria. 20213AT001 Atracción de Talento para RYC2019 (proyectos intramurales especiales CSIC).

IP: Míriam R. García

Logotipo Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación CSIC


(2012-2015) Within the framework of the project: “IS-FOR-QUALITY- Intelligent Sensors for On-Line Safety and Quality Control of Food Products” (PI: Antonio A. Alonso)

  • Prediction of fish quality and shelf-life, with special emphasis in estimating their variability
  • Exploitation of the modified Fokker-Planck equation to obtain parameters of individual bacteria from population data Systems Engineering in Medicine (PI: Peter E. Wellstead and Richard H. Middleton) ,


(2008-2012) Within the framework of the project: “The systems of Parkinson’s Disease”

  • The pathological processes that govern the causes and progress of Parkinson’s disease by using Systems Biology methods.
  • The role of oscillatory theory in brain function: Deep Brain Stimulation as a treatment for Parkinson’s Disease.