Cookie Policy


On this page, the Biosystems and Bioprocess Engineering group (Bio2Eng) of the Spanish Research Council (CSIC) informs you about the use of cookies in our websites.

Cookies are files that can be downloaded to your computer when you browse any webpage on the Internet. These tools play an essential role that allows offering numerous services in the information society. Among others, they allow websites to keep and retrieve information regarding the browsing habits of a user or a team and, depending on the information obtained, they can be used to recognize the user, personalize their experience on the site or improve the services offered by the website.


Types of cookies


Depending on the entity that manages the domain from which cookies are sent and on the data obtained, it is possible to distinguish two types of cookies: first-party cookies and third-party cookies.

There is also a second classification according to how long they remain stored in the client’s browser: session cookies or persistent cookies.

Finally, another classification consists of five types of cookies, depending on the purpose of the data obtained: technical cookies, personalization cookies, analytics cookies, advertising cookies and behavioral advertising cookies.

For more information, please see the Spanish Data Protection Agency’s Guide on the Use of Cookies (available in English and Spanish).


Cookies used in this website


The Bio2Eng website uses its own technical cookie (called “cookie_agreed”), which is downloaded to remember whether the visitor consented to the use of cookies and agreed to the use of analytical cookies. This prevents the cookies pop-up from showing for those who have already agreed to it.

We also use Google Analytics, an analytical tool that helps websites and application owners understand the way in which their visitors interact with their properties on the web.

Google Analytics uses cookies, whose names start with “GA”, to gather information and inform the web owner about how visitors behave on the site, as a way of improving the visitors’ user experience. They do not personally identify visitors. More information about Google Analytics cookies and information on privacy.


Acceptance of the Cookies Policy


By continuing to browse our site, it is understood that you agree to the use of cookies by the Bio2Eng Group.

However, a pop-up banner with information about our Cookies Policy will show at the bottom of all pages in the portal, in order to comply with current policy and to make sure you are aware of it.

Once this information has been shown, the user can take the following actions:

  • Accept all cookies: by clicking on the “accept” or “save” buttons without any further action, the user agrees to the use of both technical (essential) and analytical cookies on the site. The warning won’t be shown again when accessing any page in the portal from the same browser.


  • Uncheck the permission to use analytical cookies: the site won’t save analytical cookies, which are used to evaluate and improve the user’s experience without gathering any personal information from visitors. The site will still save technical cookies, which are essential for its function. The Cookies Information pop-up won’t be shown again.


  • View our cookies policy: the user will be able to access this page detailing our use of cookies, as well as links to modify browser settings.